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2017-02-06 16.37.02 east tudd bw.jpg

There is a piece of walkway near the Nature Reserve which if you made it through with your boots in tact on your feet, you had done well!


The Parish Council team took a stroll down on one Saturday morning to see what we could do.


The Boardwalk Project was inspired by Charles Barker and from his conversation with the Ramblers Association we had support to build a boardwalk which would cover the length of the challenging piece – approximately 60 feet.


We were also lucky in raising some money towards the cost which enabled this to happen.


The before and after photos are transformational and we will now all be able to keep our boots firmly on our feet as we enjoy a stroll over the colder and wetter months.


Well done all who took part in this project and helped make it happen.  TEAM WORK.


Kathryn Horton, Chairman – East Tuddenham Parish Council

Boardwalk Before.jpg
Boardwalk Before2.jpg
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